Dienstag, 29. Juni 2010

Kurzbesuch in Berlin - Alternate Reality Game "Conspiracy for Good"

Gerade darauf gestoßen: Die Handlung des Alternate Reality Games von Company P und Tim Kring macht offenbar kurzfristig einen kleinen Abstecher nach Berlin:

Calling all un-members in the Berlin area

Hi, I am Axel, Marcus friend. I have talked to some of you briefly on the chat today. As you might already know we have been travelling trough Europe since this Sunday in order to find Nadirah and the contract.

All the latest indications are pointing to both Nadirah and the contract being in Berlin, and we need all the help we can get from all able and willing souls in the area to find her. We are going to do a more organized search tomorrow evening, so if you live in the area, or know your way around it and are able to identify places, send an email to lowkey@conspiracyforgood.com and include your mail and/or your phone number so that we might contact you if we find any leads to the location of either her or the contract.

Mehr Infos gibt es unter http://conspiracyforgood.com

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